EcoPack Takes First Place at NC State’s Make-A-Thon 2025
A Wilson College of Textiles student helped lead Team 39 to victory at this university-wide sustainability competition.

At the 10th Anniversary of NC State Make-A-Thon, students from Team 39 earned first place and $4,000 for their idea, EcoPack, a campus app designed to increase sustainability awareness and engagement.
The project stemmed from a desire to amplify NC State’s existing sustainability initiatives while addressing a gap in student awareness.
The team described their app as “a simple and effective way to increase sustainability awareness and accessibility on campus. It serves as a one-stop hub where students can earn points (Pack Points) for eco-friendly actions, explore new ways to get involved and access a comprehensive recycling guide. With their points they can redeem rewards such as meal or drink vouchers, coupons for the bookstore, free printing credit, etc.”.
“What started as a student survey propelled us to dive further into sustainability initiatives on campus,” said Vijayarahul Srinivasan, a computer science engineering student.
That exploration helped their team build a foundation for their project.
“The numerous interactions with other students, staff and mentors shaped the way I perceived sustainability problems, revealing multiple layers to address.”
The interdisciplinary nature of the team was a cornerstone of their success.
“Collaborating with teammates from different disciplines was a key factor in shaping our project,” said Sowmya Macheri Balaji, an electrical and computer engineering student. “Our combined expertise allowed us to integrate diverse elements into our app…Without an interdisciplinary team, we wouldn’t have been able to create such a well-rounded solution.”
The collaboration also pushed team members out of their comfort zones.
“As a textiles major, my knowledge is centered around sustainability in textiles,” said Deitra Harnish, a Master of Textiles student. “Working with colleagues from engineering challenged me to think beyond my usual scope and approach sustainability as a broader problem to solve.”
For some team members, the experience was transformative.
“This was my first time participating in Make-A-Thon, and I’m so glad I did,” said engineering student Sanskruti Mahule. “It pushed me to think outside the box and grow in ways I wouldn’t have in my normal routine. Toward the end, it didn’t even matter if we won; we were just glad to create something that everyone believed in.”
EcoPack’s unique blend of technology, sustainability and student engagement impressed judges and highlighted the team’s innovative spirit.
“This experience significantly improved my ability to collaborate across disciplines, develop user-centric solutions and think innovatively under constraints,” said Macheri Balaji. “It reinforced my passion for solving real-world problems and broadened my perspective on how digital platforms can drive community impact.”
The team exemplifies the transformative potential of Make-A-Thon, inspiring a new generation of students to innovate, collaborate and tackle sustainability challenges with creativity and determination.
Make-A-Thon 2025 was made possibility through the generous support of its sponsors, including the Climate and Sustainability Academy, Coca-Cola, Eastman University Engagement Fund, Global One Health Academy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, NC State Dining, University Libraries, Office of Research and Innovation, University Housing Living and Learning Villages, University Sustainability Office, individual donors through NC State’s Crowdfunding Campaign and the Wilson College of Textiles.
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