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textile design

Lilly Barozzini graduates

May 3, 2024

What’s Next for the Wilson College Class of 2024?

From landing their dream jobs to enrolling in top graduate programs, see where a Textiles education is taking our newest alumni.

Chase Woodson in front of her designs in the Textile Design Studio

May 3, 2024

Passion For Beautiful Spaces Drives Chase Woodson to Textile Design, SCAD Interior Design MFA

Read how she plans to use her textile education and unique voice as an artist in the next phase of her career.

A white cover with a cutout photo of a model in a black dress, a Wilson College of Textiles logo and the title "Fall 2023 Student Portfolio"

Apr 29, 2024

See What Students Created Last Semester

The fall 2023 lookbook explores fashion and textile pieces created by Wilson College students for project both in and outside of the classroom.

A photo of a person in a printed silk kaftan is on top of a white background on the left side of the image. Text on the right side of the white background reads "Spring 2023 Student Portfolio"

Dec 13, 2023

See What Textiles Students Made in Spring 2023

The newest student portfolio features selected works from designers enrolled in the fashion design, textile design, and fashion development and product management programs at NC State's Wilson College of Textiles.

Alex Hutchens and fellow interns pose in front of a Madewell screen.

Oct 20, 2023

Wilson College of Textiles Students Gain Industry Experience with Summer Internships

Students share their summer internship experiences in a variety of fields, including biomedical sciences, engineering, and buying and merchandising roles. 

Zoe Newman stands in front of a knitting machine and smiles at the camera.

Sep 21, 2023

Wilson College Alumna Credits Hours in Knitting Lab as Key to Expertise, Career Success

Zoë Newman, Ph.D., now serves as a knit product developer, consulting with companies at Stoll by Karl Mayer.

Two people adjust a tall green jacquard loom. Both wear safety glasses. Threads from the loom reach up to the ceiling and out of frame.

Aug 25, 2023

Jacquard Weaving Course Combines Artistry, Computer-aided Design

This Wilson College of Textiles course (FTD 475) delves into advanced Jacquard weaving and challenges senior textile designers to develop a collection of unique fabrics. 

Lainey Volz wears a blue dress and ponytail and looks at a series of industrial embroidery machines at work in an ITMA showroom. The machines (left) are embroidering yellow fabrics.

Jun 28, 2023

Witnessing Innovation and Making Valuable Connections at ITMA

Wilson College of Textiles students, staff and faculty traveled to Milan, Italy for the world’s largest textile and garment technology exhibition.

A line of five models walks down the runway. A clapping audience is visible in the background on the left side of the photo.

Jun 12, 2023

NC State University’s Fashion and Textile Design Seniors Launch Capstone Collections

The FTD Emerging Designers Showcase offers Wilson College of Textiles students the opportunity to show off what they’ve learned over the past four years.

Students in red caps and gowns clap and smile at the ceremony, their family and friends sit in the audience behind them.

May 29, 2023

Celebrate May 2023 Commencement in Photos

Wilson College of Textiles undergraduate, master's and doctoral students officially turned their tassels in May.