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Kent Hester

Apr 1, 2016

Kent Hester Named 2016 Textiles Leader of the Year

NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles has named alumnus Kent Hester the 2016 Leader of the Year. He will receive his award at a banquet on April 18. The award is bestowed annually to an individual who has shown outstanding leadership qualities that have moved the textile industry forward in innovative ways. Members of the Kappa…

NC State Wilson College faculty and students with the women of Hunar in Jaipur, India

Mar 11, 2016

Home Textiles Leader Pledges Support for Program that Empowers Women, Provides Service Learning

The Wilson College of Textiles at NC State has received support for a unique program that provides students in Raleigh with service learning opportunities and women in India with a chance at economic independence. Nextt, one of North America’s largest home bedding companies, has gifted the North Carolina Textile Foundation with support for the College’s collaboration…

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Oct 26, 2015

Student Designs Take on Escher’s Themes and Imagery at NCMA

The works of artist M.C. Escher, known for his explorations of infinity, perspective and architecture, served as inspiration for 16 NC State Wilson College of Textiles students. These individuals’ creative two- and three-dimensional pieces were featured as part of College Night held Oct. 23 at the North Carolina Museum of Art and shown in conjunction with The Worlds…

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Sep 14, 2015

Donor Giving to College of Textiles up 117 Percent

Donor giving to the Wilson College of Textiles topped $3.8 million last year, up 117 percent over the previous year. The generosity of college alumni and supporters helped NC State break fundraising records for the fifth year in a row, boosting donations for scholarships, research, academic programs and faculty support to an all-time high. In…