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Bill Harazin Named International Trade Educator of the Year

Bill Harazin

William D. Harazin, teaching associate professor, Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management department, was named the 2017 International Trade Educator of the Year by the board of governors of NASBITE International. Harazin was recognized for his long-term commitment to international business education and support at a luncheon on March 31.

NASBITE (National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators) International is committed to advancing international trade by acknowledging professionals in the field that have demonstrated excellence in developing innovative programs and practices that improve international trade.

For 10 years, Harazin has led the Wilson College of Textiles’ Doing Business Internationally program with North Carolina Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC). DBI introduces student delegates to the history, culture and business environment in other countries while also leading American businesses through the process of establishing international networks. Through the years, Bill has led one-week intensive trips to Mexico, Perú, El Salvador and Panama.

“The Doing Business Internationally programs have helped many small companies expand their supply chains and partnerships beyond the United States borders, and through his leadership, Bill has inspired many young people to be global citizens,” said Dr. Nancy Cassill, associate dean for academic programs at the Wilson College of Textiles.

Indeed, many students have gone on to solid international positions as a result of their experiences with DBI, said Alex Viva, an international trade specialist with SBTDC who nominated Harazin, and has co-led DBI trips with him.

“Bill has long exemplified a level of commitment to the international business education and support that can serve as a model for others. He is always seeking the formula of engaging businesses, students, colleagues and policy makers. Bill personifies all that is right about staying intentionally and internationally connected to those noted that help to shape the path to global understanding and learning,” said Viva.

In addition to his work with NC State, Harazin has been heavily involved with the SBTDC in delivering the Certified Global Business Professional Exam Prep Courses which have a pass rate of over 90 percent. He also served as president of the North Carolina World Trade Association, chairman of the World Trade Center North Carolina and chairman of the International Law Section of the North Carolina Bar Association.