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b.s. textile engineering

Kinkead Crotts in a graduation cap and gown on a covered brick walkway

May 3, 2024

Kinkead Crotts ’24: Using Her Degree to Keep Firefighters Safe

With her job at Underwriters Laboratories, new textile engineering alumna Kinkead Crotts will make sure firefighter gear is up to code.

PCC students in the dyeing and finishing lab hold screen printed tote bags and t-shirts.

Mar 11, 2024

Chemistry and Community: Undergraduate Students Gain Experience with the American Society of Textile Chemists and Colorists 

The American Society of Textile Chemists and Colorists allows students at the Wilson College of Textiles to develop a network of like-minded peers and increase their confidence in pursuing STEM careers.

Headshot of graduate student Christine Lee.

Feb 15, 2024

Ph.D. Student Christine Lee Researches PLA at The Nonwovens Institute

Christine Lee is a Ph.D. student in the fiber and polymer science program currently researching the use of polylactic acid (PLA) in nonwoven textiles at the Nonwovens Institute.

Caroline Ellington (second from left) with three other people on a golf course, all in Peter Millar gear.

Nov 28, 2023

Caroline Ellington ‘13, ‘14: Using Textile Engineering Skills in the Luxury Sportswear Industry

As Peter Millar’s line review director, two-time graduate Caroline Ellington thanks the Wilson College of Textiles for the holistic knowledge she gained about the textile industry and the connections made along the way.

Hannah Orlowski sitting at her desk holding a swatch of fabric under a microscope.

Nov 16, 2023

Hannah Orlowski ‘19 Engineering for the Big Leagues

Hannah Orlowski, B.S. Textile Engineering alumna, leverages her specialized education from the Wilson College of Textiles to develop materials for Major League Baseball, Nike and J.Crew.

Alex Hutchens and fellow interns pose in front of a Madewell screen.

Oct 20, 2023

Wilson College of Textiles Students Gain Industry Experience with Summer Internships

Students share their summer internship experiences in a variety of fields, including biomedical sciences, engineering, and buying and merchandising roles. 

Chancellor Woodson of NC State poses with the Under Armour founder and the Under Armour CEO.

Aug 24, 2023

Under Armour Founder, CEO Visit NC State

Leadership from the top apparel company toured NC State’s campus to build upon their strategic partnership with the Wilson College of Textiles, College of Design and more.

Image of the Wilson College of Textiles building

Aug 21, 2023

Introducing the 2027 Class of Centennial Scholars

Thanks to the support from generous donors, the Centennial Scholarship Program will provide a once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity to 12 students.

two students show textile sample to another person

Jul 28, 2023

Textiles Senior Design Students Partner with U.S. Army, Under Armour

Seniors in textile engineering and textile technology at NC State University tackled projects focusing on sustainability, military uniforms, footwear and more during their capstone course.

Lainey Volz wears a blue dress and ponytail and looks at a series of industrial embroidery machines at work in an ITMA showroom. The machines (left) are embroidering yellow fabrics.

Jun 28, 2023

Witnessing Innovation and Making Valuable Connections at ITMA

Wilson College of Textiles students, staff and faculty traveled to Milan, Italy for the world’s largest textile and garment technology exhibition.