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NC State

Dr. Ormond and grad student

Oct 23, 2018

Five Questions with Dr. Bryan Ormond

Get to know Dr. Bryan Ormond, a double alumnus who has recently joined the College of Textiles as an assistant professor in the area of textile and protective clothing chemistry for the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS).

Dr. Kavita Mathur and students

Oct 18, 2018

Five Questions with Dr. Kavita Mathur

Meet College of Textiles alumna Dr. Kavita Mathur, who joined the department of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management as associate professor this August.

Courtney Lee at TEK TILES

Oct 10, 2018

TE Graduate Reflects on TEK-TILES Fellowship

“This past summer has made me realize that I want to be a part of the smart textile world; watching it grow and helping it progress to the next level would be an amazing opportunity and I am excited to turn this realization into a reality,” said recent Textile Engineering graduate Courtney Lee ‘18, who spent the summer in New York City at the Brooklyn Fashion and Design Accelerator (BF+DA) as a research fellow with the TEK-TILES program.

Textile collection by Sharae Hines

Oct 5, 2018

FTD Program Schooling Tomorrow’s Designers

In the Fashion and Textile Design (FTD) program at NC State’s College of Textiles, creative expression meets function and cutting-edge technology in an interdisciplinary environment. The intentionally intimate program (32-student maximum enrollment) is in its sixth year and has fully hit its stride, with graduates going on to careers with international companies, launching their own lines and even showing their designs at New York Fashion Week.

Carmen Davis at Nike

Sep 19, 2018

Textile Engineering Major Carmen Davis ‘19 Interns at Nike

NC State Textile Engineering senior Carmen Davis, who spent the summer as an intern at Nike world headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. We asked her to share her internship experience and advice for current and future internship seekers.  

Courtney Marcus at Roxy internship

Aug 22, 2018

Courtney Marcus ’19 Interns with Roxy

Focus and patience helped TATM student Courtney Marcus land a coveted internship at Roxy, a subsidiary of sporting brand Quiksilver. The rising senior was interested in working for the company, so she monitored their website until she found the opening she was looking for -- a six-week post as a merchandising intern at Roxy headquarters in Huntington Beach, California.

Tshepo Dithane and VF interns

Aug 17, 2018

FTM Student Values Extended VF Internship

FTM major Tshepo Dithane shares his experience as a fashion marketing intern with Riders by Lee and Wrangler brands.

Anna Owens at VF internships

Aug 9, 2018

FTM Major Anna Owen Interns at VF

Rising senior and FTM major Anna Owen was a summer merchandising intern in the Wrangler Jeans Youth department at VF Corporation. We asked her to share her experience and advice for current and future students seeking a similar opportunity.

Krysten Rudock at HanesBrands internship

Aug 2, 2018

TE Major Kyrsten Rudock Interns at HanesBrands

NC State College of Textiles senior Kyrsten Rudock, a Textile Engineering major, is spending her summer as an Advanced Analytics intern at HanesBrands, Inc. at their headquarters in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We asked her to share what it’s like to work for the company, and how her internship is preparing her for a career after graduation. Read on to learn firsthand about her experience and her recommendations for getting the most out of an internship.

Blue Ridge Camping Hammock

Jul 24, 2018

Five Questions with Wes Johnson, Founder of Lawson Hammock

College of Textiles alumnus Wes Johnson is in the swing of things as founder of Lawson Hammock. The company is poised to earn $1 million in revenue this year, mostly due to the success of its signature product, the Blue Ridge Camping Hammock, a consistently well-rated and thoughtfully designed tent-hammock hybrid popular with outdoor enthusiasts.