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study abroad

Global Symposium in Prague

Apr 20, 2017

Faculty Expand Partnerships in Prague Including Program for Textiles Students

A group of 12 NC State faculty members, including Liz Moran of the College of Textiles, spent spring break in the Czech Republic for the Global Symposium in Prague. The program, facilitated by the Office of International Affairs, was designed to explore international activities at NC State’s Prague Institute […]

Textile students at STOLL

Sep 27, 2016

Textile Students Visit STOLL Flat Knitting Machines Producer

As part of their study abroad experience during the summer of 2016, six students from NC State's College of Textiles visited the headquarters of STOLL Machine Works in Reutlingen, Germany, a traditional center for textiles and textile machinery. STOLL, a manufacturer of flat-knitting machines, has been in business for over 140 years.

Liz Moran

Apr 19, 2016

Liz Moran Recognized for Advancing International Education

Liz Moran, Director of Advising and Admissions for the Wilson College of Textiles, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the NC State Office of International Affairs’ Recognition for Leadership in International Education. This award honors and celebrates the recipient’s outstanding contributions to study abroad and to the internationalization of the University. The award…

Mira Abed teaching in classroom

Apr 5, 2016

A Year Abroad Helped Define the Future for This PhD Student

Written by Miranda Bunnis The idea of going abroad as a student can be a daunting: embracing a whole new culture and language on top of working or studying. Wilson College of Textiles doctoral student Mira Abed decided to confront this challenge head on when she applied to teach at the Incheon International High School…

Diamond Jackson

Apr 5, 2016

Textiles Student Makes a Swedish Connection Studying Abroad

Written by Miranda Bunnis Going abroad as an international student for a semester or even a year is nothing new to NC State Wilson College of Textiles students. But thanks to Diamond Jackson, students now have an additional choice to consider: the University of Borås in Sweden. Jackson studied there during the fall 2015 semester.…