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textile programs

Ritika and Niki Shamdasani

Apr 24, 2020

Designing Your Own Career: Meet Entrepreneur Ritika Shamdasani

By Delisha Hinton At the age of 16, Ritika Shamdasani and her sister, Niki Shamdasani, co-founded Sani from their personal experiences of trying to access their cultural clothing as first-generation South Asian Americans. Shamdasani, a first-year fashion and textile management major who is also minoring in cognitive science and computer science, chose the Wilson College…

Madagascar Cornfields

Feb 6, 2020

From Peace Corps to Peace Goods

Textile Technology alumna Kyley Schmidt ‘00 put her degree to work during a tour with the Peace Corps, helping the rural community of Soatanana in Madagascar turn their tradition of weaving with wild silk into a sustainable industry. With her support, they honed their skills, organized into a cooperative and have increased their household income by 70%.

Kate Nartker

Feb 3, 2020

Cloth and Computer Screen: Meet Kate Nartker

Meet Kate Nartker, new TATM assistant professor in the Wilson College of Textiles at NC State, who creates her art where cloth meets computer screen. The textile artist has created innovative works including animations in Jacquard weaving.

Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhone,"

Jan 7, 2020

New Year, New Blue

Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2020 is Classic Blue (PANTONE 19-4052) -- a rich, saturated shade redolent of the sky at dusk or deep pools of undisturbed water. Read more about Pantone, how it selects its Color of the Year and how colors can be trademarked.

Anna Henry

Dec 13, 2019

Gold Medal Design

Anna Henry graduates this December with a degree in FTM. Inspired by her gold medal-winning brother, she designed her senior collection for Special Olympics North Carolina athletes. 

Paul Burke in front of a Cisco sign.

Dec 9, 2019

Paul Burke ‘17 Engineers His Own Path

Originally from Raleigh, Paul Burke '17 now lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works as pre-sales systems engineer for IT, networking and cybersecurity company Cisco Systems. We spoke with Burke about his life and career after graduation, why he chose to attend Wilson College, what his job search was like and more. Read on for our discussion.

Rysa Ruth

Oct 23, 2019

Meet Young Alumna Rysa Ruth

For young alumna Rysa Ruth, her path to a fulfilling career was not exactly a straight line. After graduation from the Wilson College of Textiles in 2017 with a B.S. in  Fashion and Textile Design (FTD), she held two diverging positions before moving to New York City to work as an assistant designer and CAD designer at PPI Apparel Group.

nigel carlton

Oct 3, 2019

Meet Young Alumnus Nigel Carlton

We spoke to alumnus Nigel Carlton (B.S. TE '17, M.S. TE '19) about why he chose to attend the Wilson College of Textiles, his work with TPACC and the reality of searching for a job while limited to a specific geographic location. 

Campus in the fall

Sep 30, 2019

12 New Minds on Campus

A dozen new faculty members share their research, quirks and why they're proud to be a part of the Wolfpack.

Rice Bag Challenge Winners

Sep 13, 2019

Innovation From an Empty Bag

Students in the Textile Technology/Textile Engineering Senior Design 2019-20 capstone course began the year with a manifold challenge; working in teams, they used recycled rice bags to design prototypes meant to solve real-world problems for developing nations.