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Warren Jasper

Apr 15, 2019

Jasper Receives Outstanding Engagement Service Award

Dr. Warren Jasper has received the NC State University Outstanding Extension Service Award (OESA) for the 2018-2019 academic year. The OESA acknowledges exceptional extension engagement and economic development activities and honors faculty and staff for these efforts.

Jeff blessinger

Apr 12, 2019

ZTE’s Blessinger Recognized for Outstanding Extension Service

Jeff Blessinger, extension specialist and Lean Six Sigma program manager for the Zeis Textiles Extension (ZTE) at the Wilson College of Textiles, has received NC State’s Outstanding Extension Service Award in honor of his exceptional extension engagement and economic development activities for the university.

Testing first responder apparel

Apr 4, 2019

Discover the Science Behind Clothing Comfort and Protection April 30-May 2

If your work involves the production or testing of high-performance athletic apparel and/or advanced garment systems for the military and first responders, you won't want to miss Clothing Comfort and Protection Science, a three-day course taught by experts at the world-renowned Textile Protection and Comfort Center (TPACC) at the College of Textiles at NC State University. The course will be held April 30 to May 2.

Centennial Campus in the fall

Feb 26, 2019

Path to Professorship

The four alumnae we profile in this story are all professors -- ever-curious, perpetual learners with patience and a passion for textiles. They come from different backgrounds, even continents, but they all found their place at the Wilson College of Textiles and in the halls of academia. Read on to learn more about their journey from student to professor.

Textile student testing textile fibers in lab

Dec 18, 2018

ZTE Helps Eastman Develop Unique Fibers

Learn how a collaboration with the Wilson College of Textiles at NC State is helping Eastman develop and test the fibers of the future through the Zeis Textiles Extension.

Wilson College of Textile extension department

May 22, 2018

Making an Impact: ZTE Fuels Innovation and Boosts NC Economy

Written by Cameron Walker Whether a local startup needs help testing a product, a national company wants assistance developing a new fiber or a global business is looking for workforce training, the Wilson College of Textiles is here to help. The Wilson College of Textiles’ extension department has a long history of partnering with industry;…

Jeff Sackaroff

Mar 15, 2018

Meet Jeff Sackaroff, New Director of Student and Career Services

Jeff Sackaroff is excited to get to work. The NC State alumnus recently joined the College of Textiles as its new director of Student and Career Services, effective March 1, and he has already made plans to streamline the system and make more tools available to students.

Alex Djuric and Jeffrey Krauss

Nov 30, 2017

The Carpet Conundrum

Eight years ago, Alex Djuric inherited his father-in-law’s 1967 Mercedes-Benz 250SL convertible. He worked to restore it to mint condition, repairing every part of the classic car except one; he searched the world over but could not find a match for the vehicle’s unusual blue carpeting. Enter Jeffrey Krauss, Pilot Laboratory manager for the Zeis Textiles Extension, who accepted -- and met -- the challenge.

Student in lab

Nov 13, 2017

CSI: College of Textiles

One can gather an extraordinary amount of information from a few drops of blood at a crime scene, but when blood stains a textile as opposed to landing on a hard surface, the evidence is more difficult to interpret. College of Textiles professor Dr. Stephen Michielsen is one of few experts in the specialized field of textile forensics, and he recently conducted a workshop for crime scene professionals from across the country and Canada to further their understanding of the interaction of blood and textiles.

Dr. Jon Rust

Aug 8, 2017

Dr. Jon Rust Named Wilson College of Textiles Interim Associate Dean for Academic Programs

Congratulations are in order for Dr. Jon Rust, recently named interim associate dean for academic programs at NC State's College of Textiles.