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Welcome to NC State, TECS and the Wilson College of Textiles! We are committed to maintaining a safe working environment for all faculty, staff, students and visitors to the college. All of our faculty, students and staff are required to document training and follow rules of safe workplace procedures (see below). Our visitors and guests, while not required to complete safety training, are prohibited from entering laboratories without being accompanied by personnel trained in appropriate safety procedures for that laboratory. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Each laboratory should have appropriate PPE available for guests and visitors and if you do not receive it, please contact Department Head Emiel DenHartog.

Many of our guests never visit a laboratory and yet their safety is just as important. In the event of a fire or other emergency it is always important to know the quickest avenue of egress. Still, we will have fire marshals stationed in each pod and floor to guide you. Please follow their instructions quickly and completely.

I hope you have a great experience at NC State and I want to make sure we do everything possible to make that experience a safe one for you and others.