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Spinning Lab

The Rieter Short Staple Yarn Laboratory is designed to help meet the needs of the textile industry in applied
research. State-of-the-art machinery converts fibers less than 65 mm into spun yarn. Spinning capability includes
ring, compact, open-end, and air-jet spinning. Services range from evaluating the processability of various fibers
and blends to running trials for optimum machine settings and speeds.

Frequently Asked Questions…

Ring Spinning creates yarn from short staple fibers through twist. All fibers run parallel along the length of the yarn (this is achieved through either the drawing, combing, or carding process). The ring spinning machine is fed with an extra-twisted sliver called “roving.” This roving is drafted through rollers and twisted around a ring onto a bobbin at high speeds to form yarn. 

Ring spinning produces high-quality yarn commonly used in apparel applications. It can also be found in upholstery and drapery. 

Open-ended spinning creates a yarn composed of fibers held together by twist or wrapper fibers. These yarns unfortunately do not have the high level of fiber alignment found in ring spun yarns. However, open-ended spinning is an excellent and efficient process for producing thicker yarns with a more uniform diameter. 

Open-ended yarns are often used to create denim, sweatshirts, terry cloth, t-shirts, and bedding.

Air-jet spun yarns have a core of straight fibers held together by a shell of twisted fibers. Some properties of the yarn include higher uniformity and less hairiness compared to that of ring spun. However, air-jet yarns are not as strong as ring spun. 

Air-jet is the preferred spinning method for fabrics in applications such as sheets or pillow cases.