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Smart Textiles

Supercapacitor yarns integrated in a fabric for powering LEDs'

Mar 23, 2022

Design Tweak Helps Prevent Malfunction in Yarns Designed to Store Energy

NC State researchers found a way to prevent electrical malfunctions in yarns designed to store electrical energy.

Design Day

Apr 29, 2019

Design Day

Teams from the Senior Design capstone class from the Textile Engineering and Textile Technology programs at the Wilson College of Textiles showed off their hard work at Design Day, a juried poster session.

Jess Jur in lab

Apr 1, 2019

Dr. Jesse Jur Named 2018-2019 University Faculty Scholar

Jesse Jur, associate professor in the department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) at NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles, has been named a 2018-19 University Faculty Scholar by Chancellor Randy Woodson for his dedication to serving the university community through scholarship, research and engagement.

Person on bike with Lumenus backpack

Mar 14, 2019

Bright Light: Alumnus and Entrepreneur Jeremy Wall

Some ideas are born with a light bulb moment; Jeremy Wall’s idea was the result of a life and death moment. The Wilson College of Textiles alumnus (FTM ‘14) was biking across campus one evening during his junior year when he was nearly hit by a car. He set to work on a project that ultimately became Lumenus, a start-up company that pairs LED light arrays with an app to help bicyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians be easily seen in low light situations.

Dr. Kavita Mathur and students

Oct 18, 2018

Five Questions with Dr. Kavita Mathur

Meet College of Textiles alumna Dr. Kavita Mathur, who joined the department of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management as associate professor this August.

Courtney Lee at TEK TILES

Oct 10, 2018

TE Graduate Reflects on TEK-TILES Fellowship

“This past summer has made me realize that I want to be a part of the smart textile world; watching it grow and helping it progress to the next level would be an amazing opportunity and I am excited to turn this realization into a reality,” said recent Textile Engineering graduate Courtney Lee ‘18, who spent the summer in New York City at the Brooklyn Fashion and Design Accelerator (BF+DA) as a research fellow with the TEK-TILES program.

Victoria Rind

Jun 26, 2017

Wilson College Alumna Victoria Rind ‘17 Lights Up the Field of Textile Engineering

Read about NC State College of Textiles alumna Victoria Rind, a research fellow at the Brooklyn Fashion + Design Accelerator's TEK-TILES Summer Sprint project and a future Adidas intern.

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Sep 21, 2015

Dr. Ghosh Named a Chancellor’s Innovation Fund Recipient for his Smart Textiles Research

Dr. Tushar Ghosh, professor in the College’s Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science Department, and Dr. Alper Bozkurt, a professor in the College of Engineering, received funding from the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund to support their work on a second-generation prototype of their Fabric-based Integrated Sensing Technology (FIrST). Learn more about Fabric-based Integrated Sensing Technology