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Polymer and Color Chemistry

First-year Course Requirements

Most first-semester first-year students in our college will take 15 to 17 credit hours (or 5-6 classes). A credit hour is the number of credits a course is worth; most courses are worth 3 credits without a lab and 4 credits with a lab. Students must take a minimum of 12 hours to be considered full-time (important for a variety of reasons including health insurance, financial aid, scholarships, housing, etc.), but the maximum number of credits any student is allowed to take without special permission is 18.

*Make sure that you allow a minimum of 30-45 minutes in between classes that meet on Main Campus and classes that meet on Centennial Campus.

Required classes are in bold. Other classes should be used to reach 15-17 credits.

  • T 101
  • PCC 101 and 104
  • MA 107 or MA 131 depending on placement (next level is MA 231)
    • ACS Certified Concentration needs MA 111 or MA 141 depending on placement (next level is MA 241)
  • CH 101 and 102 or CH 111- if required based on placement (or CH 221/222, CH 223/224, CH 201/202 if credit earned for CH 101/102)
  • A HESF 100-level course (highly encouraged in first semester)
  • EC 201, ARE 201, or EC 205
  • ENG 101
  • PY 211 (or PY 212 if PY 211 is complete)
    • ACS Certified Concentration needs PY 205/ 206 and PY 208/209
  • GEP course (see below for more information)

General Education Program (GEP) Course Options

You might consider special sections of GEP courses called First Year Inquiry (FYI) sections. These are sections reserved for new freshmen that feature a small student/faculty ratio and active learning opportunities. To see Fall 2024 FYI class sections, click here.

Click here to see more information about the GEP categories, requirements for your major and recommended GEP courses.