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Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval Form

This page includes specific directions for completing the Course Pre-Approval Form correctly. Following these directions will streamline the process and prevent delay in submitting your Course Pre-Approval Form to the Study Abroad Office.

  • Consult your Degree Audit to identify potential degree requirements or courses that you would like to complete while studying abroad. We recommend most Textiles students take a combination of GEP courses and advised electives during their time abroad, but there may be some other degree requirements that are offered at other institutions. Most students take the equivalent of 12-15 credits during a semester abroad or 3-6 credits for a summer program.
  • Review the Wilson College Study Abroad Transfer Database to identify courses that are of interest to you and will meet remaining requirements in your Degree Audit
    1. The courses in this database have been pre-approved by Textiles faculty to count toward our degree programs
  • If you are able to identify pre-approved courses from the program you are interested in that meet your remaining degree requirements, complete the course pre-approval form.
    1. Be sure to cross reference the courses you intend to enroll in with host institution’s course schedule to determine if they will be offered during the term you plan to study abroad
    2. Advised Electives (concentration electives) should be listed in the TOP section of the form (Major Courses)
    3. If there are courses offered by the host institution that are not already in the Wilson College Database that you feel may count toward your degree requirements, you can submit the course descriptions for review using this form.
    4. Note: If you are requesting review for non-Textiles courses, you will need to reach out to the department of record to have them reviewed. Contact information for each college is listed on the Course Pre-Approval Form. (For example, if you are requesting to take a BUS class equivalent, it would need to be reviewed by the Poole College of Management.)
  • If you cannot find courses for your chosen program in the database that meet your remaining degree requirements, select a different program and repeat the steps above or contact an ACSS advisor for other suggestions.

Once you have completed the course pre-approval form, submit it to the appropriate Wilson College approver:
Meggie Metcalf
ACSS staff will notify you via email when the Course Pre-Approval Form is approved and submitted to the Study Abroad Office. The approval process can take up to 10-14 business days, so plan to submit your form well in advance of the application deadline.

  • Submit all required portions of the Study Abroad Application by the stated deadline.

Tips for Completing your Course Pre-Approval Form:

  • List 2-3 alternate courses for each category (i.e. Advised Electives or GEPs) in case some are not approved, get canceled, are full upon registration, etc.
  • Include a variety of courses on your form – GEP’s, major requirements, major electives, minor requirements– that fit with courses still needed for your Degree Audit
  • The course pre-approval form does not guarantee that you will be enrolled in those specific classes at your host institution-some courses may not be offered, are filled, or may conflict with other classes. After you are accepted into your host institution, you will receive specific instructions from them about enrolling in classes.

If you need to add courses to your Course Pre-Approval Form after you have arrived at your host institution, email Meggie Metcalf ( If you enroll in courses that are not listed on your Course Pre-Approval Form, these courses may not count towards your degree.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval Form

Study Abroad Course Approval Form Example

Sample Pre-Approval Form