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Understanding Your Degree Audit

Undergraduate Degree Audit

The Degree Audit shows all requirements a student needs to meet to complete their degree (major requirements and General Education Program courses)

Students should use the Degree Audit to:

  • Track progress toward graduation
  • Plan for future semesters
  • View a summary of credit hours and GPA
  • Ensure they are enrolling in degree-applicable courses

Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring they are enrolling in the appropriate courses to satisfy their degree requirements. Policies are in place that affect students who are NOT making progress toward degree completion. Students may lose their eligibility to enroll in courses for upcoming terms if they fail to make Satisfactory Academic Progress.  

The Degree Audit is used to clear students for graduation, so it is imperative that students are checking it regularly and addressing any questions or concerns with their Academic Advisor. If a student has any Red X’s on their Degree Audit, they will not be cleared to graduate.

To access the Degree Audit use this navigation: MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment tile > Degree Audit

Degree Audit Options:

  1. Click on your current major Degree Audit to see your requirements
  2. Click on “Create What-If? Report” to see the requirements for any major or minor on campus (useful if you are thinking about changing your major, concentration, or adding a minor)

Each semester when you enroll, you should review the Degree Audit to ensure the courses you have selected are satisfying one of your remaining degree requirements

  • If the enrolled course is NOT satisfying a degree requirement, it will be listed at the bottom under the “non-degree courses” section
  • For each “unmet” requirement (Red X), students can either “Add to Planner” or view “Details”
    • “Details” are available if there is a CHOICE of courses to satisfy that requirement
  • In the screenshot below, for example, “details” appears next to the math requirement because students can take EITHER MA 131 or MA 141
  • For the chemistry requirement, no “details” button is available because students must take that specific course (CH 101, CH 102)
  • “Add to Planner” allows students to use the Pack Planner tool to plan out remaining semesters
    • If courses are added to the Pack Planner, they will appear with a Blue Star (Planned) on the Degree Audit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Degree Audit

  1. I registered for a GEP course that I need but it’s not showing up in the GEP section of the Degree Audit. Why is this happening?
    1. First, check to ensure you have registered for the correct category of GEP (humanities, social science, interdisciplinary perspective, etc.)
      1. NOTE:  students are required to complete 6 credits of humanities coursework (i.e., two classes) The two courses must come from two different disciplines (academic departments). For example, if a student completes a history course for their first humanities class, they should choose a humanities course from the approved list that is NOT history for their second course * NOTE: this same rule applies to Social Sciences courses for FTD students
    2. If you have registered for the correct category of GEP and it still is not showing up in the right space, reach out to your Academic Advisor for clarification.
  2. Can I change my class to S/U (pass/fail) grading?
    1. All degree requirements (including GEPs) for Wilson College majors MUST be taken for a letter grade in order to count toward your graduation requirements. The only exceptions are the HES* (health and exercise) courses. Student can opt for S/U grading for HES* courses and still use those to fill the GEP requirements.
    2. Note: for students pursuing Textile Engineering, E 115 is a required course and automatically uses S/U grading. This will still count toward the degree requirements
    3. Note: students required to take prep chemistry (CH 111) prior to CH 101/102 can opt to take CH 111 for S/U grading. A grade of “S” or C- in CH 111 will satisfy the prerequisite for CH 101.
  3. A class I’ve registered for says it counts for a GEP but it is also listed as an option for an advised elective for my major. Can I count it for both requirements?
    1. No, a class can only count in one spot on your Degree Audit. If the class is listed as a GEP and on the list of advised elective options, you must choose where you want it to count.
      1. For example, PCC 201 – Impact of Industry on Environment and Society is listed as an Interdisciplinary Perspectives GEP but also counts as an advised elective for FTD, FTM and TT students. Students in these majors cannot count the course for both requirements.
      2. Note: The Global Knowledge (GK) GEP is the only category of course that can double count with another requirement (for example, AFS 342 – Intro to African Diaspora is listed as a HUM GEP and GK GEP. It can count for both requirements.)
  4. How do I know what grade I need to earn in a class in order to satisfy my degree requirement? 
    1. Many degree requirements only require a student to earn D- or higher in order to earn credit. However, your major might have specific courses in which you need to earn C (or C-) or higher in order to complete the requirement or in order to meet prerequisites for future courses. Any courses that require a C (or C-) or higher will be noted as such on the student’s Degree Audit.
    2. ALL NC State students must earn C- or higher in ENG 101.
    3. After you earn a grade in a course, refer back to your Degree Audit to see whether or not you have earned the Green Check Mark for the degree requirement. 
    4. Note: if you are taking a course at another institution to satisfy an NC State degree requirement, only courses in which you earn C- or higher will transfer back to NC State for credit