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Wilson College Communications

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Aug 12, 2015

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders – from Clayton, NC graduated from Corinth Holders High School. Emily has been awarded the North Carolina Textile Foundation Vincent Fang Centennial Scholarship to study in a textile degree program at NC State. Emily took several Advanced Placement courses, including Calculus, Statistics, and Biology. She has participated in the Summer Textile Exploration Program at… 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Aug 12, 2015

Margaret Shinn

Margaret Shinn – from Charlotte, NC graduated from Myers Park High School. Margaret has been awarded the North Carolina Textile Foundation Alan Dickson Centennial Scholarship to study in a textile degree program at NC State. Margaret took International Baccalaureate courses, including Visual Art, English, History and Spanish. She specifically enjoyed Spanish V and Spanish VI courses… 

2015 Senior Design Group Nonwovens

May 18, 2015

Senior Design Day Winners Tackle a Non-Traditional Use for Nonwovens

The Senior Design program for the Textile Engineering and Textile Technology programs at NC State University is designed to allow students to solve an industry relevant, open-ended problem that serves as a culmination of their skill set development in their respective degrees. For Wilson College of Textiles Senior Design team members Colin Donahue, Jordan Tabor and… 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

May 3, 2015

10th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

Teaser copy goes here, all posts need to have an excerpt as part of this new blog. 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Apr 20, 2015

Dr. Helmut Hergeth receives the University’s 2015 Outstanding Global Engagement Award

Congratulations to Dr. Helmut Hergeth as he received the University’s 2015 Outstanding Global Engagement Award! This is a great honor and recognizes outstanding accomplishment in globally engaged teaching, research, extension, and/or engagement and economic development by faculty and EPA professionals of North Carolina State University. Dr. Hergeth is certainly deserving of this award as he… 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Apr 20, 2015

Dr. Katherine Annett-Hitchcock to join the NC State Community Engaged Faculty Fellows (CEFF)

Congratulations to Dr. Katherine Annett-Hitchcock as she has been selected to join the NC State Community Engaged Faculty Fellows (CEFF) and was recognized at the Outreach and Engagement Awards Celebration Monday. This is an outstanding group of faculty that focus on community engagement, serve as mentors for those interested in learning more about community engaged practices,… 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Mar 2, 2015

Dr. Renzo Shamey Explains the Science Behind #TheDress

You’ve probably seen it by now – the photo (below) of “the dress” making the rounds on the internet that people just cannot agree on. What color it is? Is it white and gold or is it blue and black? And how can a dress appear so differently to different people? Internationally renowned color scientist… 

Dr. Renzo Shamey

Dec 8, 2014

Dr. Shamey Named University Faculty Scholar

Dr. Renzo Shamey, professor in the Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) department at the Wilson College of Textiles has been named a 2014-15 University Faculty Scholar by Chancellor Randy Woodson.  The recognition and reward program is part of the university’s strategic initiative to invest in and retain top faculty. “Professor Shamey is internationally recognized… 

Wilson College of Textiles exterior view

Oct 31, 2014

Moo-Young Receives Prestigious Senior Scholarship

Joseph Moo-Young, a senior in the Textile Engineering and Chemical Engineering departments at North Carolina State University, has been awarded the College of Engineering Faculty Senior Scholarship. The COE Faculty Senior Scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student who exemplifies academic excellence, intellectual breadth, and depth of character. The recipient must be a full-time… 

Dr. Jess Jur on UNC TV

Oct 30, 2014

NC Science Now talks Smart Textiles (Start at 8:30)

NC Science Now talks Smart Textiles (Start at 8:30)