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Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s

The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) program encourages and enables high performing undergraduate students to swiftly complete their master’s degree by enabling some of the master’s level coursework to be completed while finishing the bachelor’s degree. 

Formalized ABM programs that line up with undergraduate degrees:

  • B.S. Polymer and Color Chemistry (PCC) →  M.S. Textile Chemistry (M.S. TC)
  • B.S. Textile Engineering (TE) → M.S. Textile Engineering (M.S. TE)
  • B.S. Textile Technology (TT) → M.S. Textile Engineering (M.S. TE)* or Master of Textiles (M.T.)
  • B.S. Fashion and Textile Design (FTD) and B.S. Fashion and Textile Management (FTM) → Master of Textiles (M.T.) or M.S. Textiles

* Textile technology students may qualify for the M.S. TE degree with appropriate additional course work in calculus and higher engineering courses (e.g. thermodynamics and/or statics). 

Individualized ABM programs can also be developed with other undergraduate programs. ABM students can choose either the thesis or non-thesis option, and the program requirements are the same for both the traditional and ABM students except for the following distinctions (Regulation 02.25.11):

  1. Up to 12 graduate credit hours may be double-counted for both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. The 12 hours (4 courses) can be chosen from the list of recommended graduate level courses in textiles per the modified degree plan for their B.S. degree.
  2. Additional hours must be earned to count toward the graduate degree only (a minimum of 24 hours for M.S. Textiles or 18 hours for M.T. or 20 hours for M.S. TC/TE). 

Requirements for Participation and Graduation

  1. Students must complete the bachelor’s degree prior to entering the master’s program. Students in the ABM program may not elect to bypass the bachelor’s degree.
  2. Students must complete all the degree requirements and unconditionally pass the Final Defense (for M.S. students) within the Graduate School ABM designated time period of 12 months for the M.T. or M.S. TC/TE non-thesis degree or 18 months for all the M.S. thesis degrees, after the completion of the B.S. degree. If the master’s degree is not completed within this timeframe, the student will no longer be eligible for the ABM program and courses that were previously double-counted may no longer be eligible for credit toward another graduate degree at NC State. Under special circumstances, a student may petition the Graduate School to ask for an extension of time to complete the ABM program.

Progress Requirements and Ineligibility/Withdrawal

  1. Any student whose cumulative or major GPA drops below the established ABM Program minimum requirements (3.5 cumulative GPA and 3.5 major GPA) before or upon graduation from their undergraduate program will be ineligible to continue in the ABM Program, and will only be eligible for the bachelor’s degree.
  2. All ABM students must maintain a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 in all coursework being counted toward the master’s degree, inclusive of courses taken as an undergraduate. Students may earn credit for courses in which they have received a B, but the overall graduate GPA must remain above 3.0. Any graduate student whose graduate GPA falls below 3.0 is subject to the graduate school regulation.
  3. The director of graduate programs (DGP) and director of undergraduate programs (DUP) must approve any courses that are substantially different from those submitted in the Plan of Work. M.S. students must also receive approval from their graduate advisory committee if they have already filed an official Plan of Work. Failure to consult with faculty in either case will result in the student being dismissed from the ABM Program. 
  4. A student may withdraw from the ABM program at any time by submitting written notification to the DGP. A copy of the notice should also be sent to the NC State Graduate School if a student has submitted an application for graduate admission.
  1. To enter the ABM program the student first meets with the director of undergraduate programs (DUP) to determine eligibility for the program.
    1. A minimum of 3.5 GPA.
    2. Ability to earn at least 6-9 credits of graduate credits while an undergraduate.
  2. The student submits an electronic Plan of Work that is approved by the director of graduate programs (DGP) and DUP.
    1. The student should review the list of courses that can be double counted.
    2. The student should review the available graduate courses typically taught each semester to plan out their remaining schedule of courses.
  3. Course Registration
    1. While dual enrolled in the ABM and undergraduate degree, the student should email the graduate services coordinator (GSC), copying the DGP, and ask to be manually enrolled in graduate courses.
    2. Upon completion of the undergraduate degree, the student can self-enroll in graduate courses.
  4. In the last semester of the undergraduate degree the student applies to the graduate program.
    1. GRE scores are waived.
    2. Only one letter of recommendation is needed
  5. In the last semester of the undergraduate program, the student’s degree audit is updated by the student and submitted to the GSC.
  6. In the first semester of the graduate program, the student completes a new Plan of Work through MyPack Portal.
    1. When entering in classes taken while enrolled as an undergraduate, use the Select button to choose the transfer code TR999 from the drop down menu, then type in each course taken as an ABM student along with the semester and grade.
  7. When all requirements are met for the graduate degree Apply to Graduate through MyPack Portal.
Undergraduate CourseGraduate CourseCurriculumCreditsNotePrerequisites
FTM 497TTM 587FTD-FD6  
FTD FD electiveTTM5xxFTD-FD3up to 6 cr 
FTM 479TTM 579FTD-TD6  
FTD TD electiveTTM5xxFTD-TD3up to 6 cr 
FTM PD electiveTTM5xxFTM-FDPM3up to 9 cr 
FTM 482TTM 582FTM-TBMM3 FTM387 before TTM 582
FTM 460TTM 585FTM-TBMM3 ST311 and FTM382 and FTM385 before TTM585
FTM BMM electiveTTM5xxFTM-TBMM3up to 9 cr 

Note that the following other courses are expected to be accepted into a chemistry or engineering M.S. degree: MA 141, MA 241, MA 242, PY 205/206, PY 208/209

UG courseGrad courseWhich tracks require the undergraduate class?
ACS CertifiedScience and Ops.Medical Sciences
PCC 461TC 5611c
PCC 471TC 571 (currently TC 589)PCC elective
PCC ElectiveTC 5XX
UG courseGrad courseWhich M.S. program criteria does grad course fit?
PCC 461TC 5611c
PCC 471TC 571 (currently TC 589)
PCC ElectiveTC 5XX
1c Note that PCC 464 still needs to be taken as well, but will not count toward the graduate degree.
UG courseGrad courseWhich tracks require the undergraduate class?
Product EngineeringInformation SystemsChemical Processing
TE 4041e TE 5331e
TE 4402eTE 4402eelective
ElectiveTE 5XX
ISE 311ISE 510elective
 Engin. ElectiveISE 519electiveelective
ST 370ST 515
UG courseGrad course Which M.S. program criteria does grad course fit?
TECS Engin. Neither
TE 4041e TE 5331e
TE 4402eTE 4402e
ElectiveTE 5XX
ISE 311ISE 510
 Engin. ElectiveISE 519
ST 370ST 515

Note that the following other courses are expected to be accepted into an engineering M.S. degree: ST 370*, MA 141, MA 241, MA 242, PY 205/206, PY 208/209

UG courseGrad courseWhich tracks require the undergraduate class?
GeneralMedical TextilesSupply Chain OpsTechnical Textiles
TT 431TE 533
TT 405TT 505
TT 481TT 581
ST 311ST 511 or ST 5151t
TT 485TTM 501electiveelective
MT 432TT 532 electiveelective
MT 471TC 571elective
TT 451TT 551
TT 405TT 505
PCC 461TC 561elective
PCC 471TC 571elective
ElectiveTE 5XX
ElectiveTT 5XX
ElectiveTTM 5XX
UG courseGrad courseWhich M.S. program criteria does grad course fit?
TT 431TE 533
TT 405TT 505
TT 481TT 581
ST 311ST 511 or ST 515*
TT 485TTM 501
MT 432TT 532
MT 471TC 571
TT 451TT 551
TT 405TT 505
PCC 461TC 561
PCC 471TC 571
ElectiveTE 5XX
ElectiveTT 5XX somesome
ElectiveTTM 5XX some some

Student should opt for ST 370 instead of ST 311 for undergraduate credit; or ST 511/515 for graduate credit.

Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management

B.S. Fashion and Textile Design, B.S. Fashion and Textile Management
M.S. Textiles, Master of Textiles
Director of Undergraduate Programs: Kristin Thoney-Barletta |
Director of Graduate Programs: Lisa Chapman |
Graduate Services Coordinator: Rob Cooper |

Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science

B.S. Polymer and Color Chemistry, B.S. Textile Engineering, B.S. Textile Technology
M.S. Textile Chemistry, M.S. Textile Engineering
Director of Undergraduate Programs:
Director of Graduate Programs:
Graduate Services Coordinator: Traci Figura |