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Master’s Financial Support

Many M.S. students receive some form of financial assistance by the end of their first year. We generally have several forms of financial assistance available for on-campus students who meet the academic requirements for admission. While there is some variation in the funding level depending on the funding source and appointment responsibilities, all funding includes the following components: tuition coverage, health insurance and stipend. To be eligible for funding, students need to maintain full time student status. 

Graduate Research Assistantships (RA)

Research assistantships are awarded by an individual faculty researcher to doctoral students who are interested in working on research projects in the faculty member’s area for which the researcher has external funding. If you are interested in pursuing a RA with a faculty member, please reach out to them directly. Often, faculty members hire students for whom they serve as dissertation committee chair (adviser). Research Assistantships are either 9 or 12 month appointments; have a stipend award which varies depending upon funding source; and includes tuition and health insurance in accordance with Graduate Student Support Plan (GSSP) guidelines.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (TA)

A teaching assistantship is provided to a student to participate in teaching as an instructor of record, lab instructor, lab or lecture assistant, or to provide general support to the teaching mission of the department or program. Teaching assistantships have a stipend award which varies depending upon the appointment of 10 hours/week or 20 hours/week; and also include tuition and health insurance coverage in accordance with Graduate Student Support Plan (GSSP) guidelines. 

Teaching assistantships are offered by the two academic departments in the Wilson College: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science and Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management. Students interested in applying for a teaching assistantship, please contact the departments accordingly.

Graduate School Scholarships

Financial Aid  

The Graduate Student Support Plan is a competitive support package used to attract top students to NC State University. Graduate students that meet the requirements below are eligible to receive health insurance and standard tuition support (for a limited number of semesters).

GSSP Eligibility

  • Have an active, qualifying graduate appointment (TA, RA, or primary fellowship)
  • Be enrolled full-time at all times
  • Be within their allowed semesters
    • Master’s degree: 4 semesters
    • Ph.D. with a related master’s degree: 8 semesters
    • Ph.D. without a related master’s degree: 10 semesters

Every semester in which the student is enrolled counts against the total number of allowed semesters for tuition support, even if the student does not participate in the GSSP.

  • Active in an on-campus master’s or doctoral degree program

GSSP Eligibility Extension

In some cases, exceptions may be submitted for tuition support beyond allowed semesters. These requests should only be submitted by directors of graduate programs (DGPs) in coordination with the student’s major advisor.

The GSSP extension request should answer the following questions:

  • Student name and ID
  • What factors prevented the student’s timely completion?
  • What plans are in place to ensure the student’s completion?
  • What is the planned graduate appointment arrangement for the student through completion? (assistantship type, funding source)


Additional GSSP detailed information may be found in the Graduate Student Support Plan Eligibility Summary.

Residency Requirement

Applicants and currently enrolled students who are claiming NC Residency or wish to apply for in-state residency for tuition purposes are required to go through the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS).

GSSP Eligibility Requirement

Qualifying students are only eligible for tuition remission support for two semesters (one academic year)-after those two semesters, the student must obtain in-state residency.

Obtaining Residency in NC

  1. Have 12 months of physical presence in North Carolina.
  2. Have the financial and legal ability to establish a domicile.
  3. Demonstrate the intent to make North Carolina your home aside from attending school.

More details and contact information for questions and concerns can be found at The Graduate School Residency page.