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TATM Graduate Minors

Master of Textile Students

No minor can be declared for Master of Textiles students. 

Master of Science Students

Master of Science students have the option to declare a minor on their plan of work. When a student selects a minor, the advisory committee must include a representative from the minor field. The minor credits on the Plan of Graduate Work must be approved by the graduate advisory committee member representing the minor, and, in some cases, the Director of Graduate Programs (DGP) from the minor program. 

Commonly Selected Graduate Minors

If a minor is selected, a minimum of nine hours (3 courses) must be taken in the minor area. Some graduate programs will not offer a degree, but will offer a graduate minor. When a student selects a minor, the advisory committee must include a representative from the minor field. The minor credits on the Graduate Plan of Work must be approved by the graduate advisory committee member representing the minor, and, in some cases, the director of graduate programs (DGP) from the minor program.

Additional information on degree programs that may offer minors.