FTD Application
Application Steps
Step 1: Submit your online admissions application to NC State by November 1.
Step 2: Submit supporting application materials (high school transcripts, college transcripts, standardized test scores – optional, fee, etc.).
Step 3: Upload portfolio into SlideRoom of 10 recent images in .jpg format with descriptions and annotations.
Step 4: Upload essay in .doc, .docx or .pdf format into SlideRoom.
Selected applicants will be invited to interviews that will take place in December, in the Hunt Library on Centennial Campus. During the interviews, applicants will be asked to discuss their work as well as other character indicators such as: collaboration, leadership potential, independent thinking, ability to explain and critically evaluate work, and motivation to create objects that solve human needs.
Fashion and Textile Design is a Bachelor of Science program that requires students to complete math and science courses in addition to design studios and labs. A strong math and science background is important for admission to and success in this program. For this reason, applicants are encouraged to take courses such as chemistry and college preparatory math while in high school.