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Master’s Application Process

The Graduate School requires all applicants to submit all materials through the online application portal. Students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program at NC State University can apply by using the degree change form.

Students with a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree may apply to any of the degree programs. Students apply with degrees in textiles, engineering, management or design. Typically the minimum acceptable overall grade point average (GPA) is a 3.0 out of 4.0, based on most current U.S. universities. Students should have approximately 20 credit hours in mathematics and natural sciences in their undergraduate degree. Degrees must be obtained from a four-year, accredited university. Graduate transfer credits can only be from other U.S. universities, and must be approved by the student’s graduate committee. Certificates and diplomas are not recognized as undergraduate degrees.

A completed application package must contain:

  • Official transcripts (minimum graduate GPA of 3.0). All relevant unofficial or official transcripts from previously attended college or university.   
  • Official GRE scores (see below)
  • Proof of English Proficiency – for international students (see below)
  • Three letters of recommendation 
  • A personal statement indicating strong research interests in and match of research interest with Wilson College faculty research expertise
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae and/or Portfolio (optional)
  • Application Fee ($75 for domestic and U.S. permanent residents, $85 for international).  All application fees are non-refundable.
  • Online North Carolina Residency Form if claiming NC residence for tuition purposes submitted within one (1) week of application submission

In order to be eligible for admission to the Graduate School all international applicants, regardless of citizenship, must demonstrate proficiency in English at a level necessary to be successful in a graduate program at NC State. English proficiency requirements can be waived for international students who: 1) are citizens of a country where English is an official language and the language of instruction in higher education; or 2) have successfully completed at least one year of full-time study in a degree program at a four-year U.S. college or university.

This requirement can be met for most applicants in one of the following ways:

  • Provide Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a total score of at least 80 on the Internet-based Test (iBT). Minimum test scores for each section are listed below. Test date must be no older than two years (24 months) prior to the beginning of the requested entry term. The institution code 5496 is the only code needed to report scores to NC State University.

Minimum TOEFL iBT Section Scores are 18 points for all sections (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).

NOTE: The current computer- and paper-based versions of the TOEFL test will be given until the iBT version is implemented in a particular location. Computer-based TOEFL scores must be 213 or higher (with at least 17 on three sections and no section score below 13). The paper-based test requires a score of 550 or higher (with scores of 50 on at least two of the three sections and no section score below 45).

  • Provide International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores with an overall band score of at least 6.5. Minimum test scores for each section are listed below. Test date must be no older than two years (24 months) prior to the beginning of the requested entry term. The institution code 5496 is the only code needed to report scores to NC State University. 

Minimum IELTS Section Scores are 6.5 points for all sections (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).

In response to the temporary closings of testing centers in countries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Graduate School now accepts Duolingo English Test examination results. Duolingo English Tests taken after February 3, 2020 will be accepted. To be admitted, a minimum score of 110 will be required. In addition to providing a score at or above the minimum, the Graduate School or graduate programs may choose to require students to participate in a Zoom or Skype interview prior to making an admission decision.

The GRE general exam is required for all applicants for the Master of Textiles and the Master of Science in Textiles. GRE test scores expire five years after the test date, and expired scores are not accepted. Recommended GRE scores are: Verbal Reasoning 150, Quantitative Reasoning 155, and Analytical Writing 3.5. All three sections of the GRE are considered when evaluating applicants.

When should I apply?

The Graduate School provides updated information on the formal deadlines for applications for domestic and international students, please see the Graduate School website.

Please be advised, however, that many funding decisions are made in the early-spring (March) timeframe. That means that, if you wish to be considered for funding, you are advised to apply early, and well in advance of the formal summer deadline for U.S. students (June 25) as this increases your chances of receiving any funding.

For all students it would be highly advisable to have your application finalized before March 1. This means that all official transcripts, letters of recommendation, TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo scores (if applicable), and the personal statement are uploaded by the student to the admission portal.

Does your program accept late applications?

You are welcome to submit your application after the deadline, but please be aware of the following information. Applications will not be reviewed until they are complete, which includes TOEFL/IELTS scores, letters of recommendation, etc. Application Deadlines are set to allow enough time to review an application and, if a decision to admit is granted, allow enough time for the applicant to complete the requirements of admission and arrive on time for the semester’s start. When applications are not complete by the deadline, there is no guarantee that the review, admission decision, and submission of required documents will be completed in time to begin the intended semester. Admitted students are expected to arrive in time for the beginning of the semester, as we do not accept late arrivals.

Note that if any of the pieces of the application arrive after the deadline, that your application is considered late since the application won’t be reviewed until it’s complete. So, even if you paid the application fee before the deadline, if not all supporting documents are received by the deadline, the application is considered late.

For international applicants, note that the Grad School states on their website that it may take up to 3 or 4 weeks for ETS to report the TOEFL scores and for the Grad School to attach to the application.

What are the institutional and departmental codes for reporting standardized testing scores?

  • The institutional code number for the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to report GRE (optional) and TOEFL scores to North Carolina State University is 5496
  • Please use code “0000” for the (optional) GRE departmental code and for TOEFL you can use “99” as the department code.

When is my admission decision official so I can accept and enroll?

  • After your admission decision is submitted, the Graduate School will verify all documents and process the decision. 
  • Once the decision is processed by the Graduate School, applicants will receive an automated email that states an admission decision has been posted to their online application and they need to log in and review that decision.
  • When they log in they’ll see the offer of admission letter.
  • The admission will not be official until all official transcripts have been received (both U.S. and international) and international students submit the Certificate of Financial Responsibility.
  • Note that there are late registration fees, so be mindful of the enrollment deadlines.

Priority Deadlines

While applications will be accepted and reviewed until the deadline for each application group, it is encouraged that you submit your application early to be considered for funding opportunities. For fall enrollment, the first round of funding recommendations will be made in mid-March. Remaining funding opportunities will be distributed before the end of April. 

U.S. Citizens:Jun 25Nov 25
Internationals:Mar 1Jul 15

Information on the cost of studies is given below; questions should be addressed to the cashier’s office.

For on-campus studentsFor distance education students
Tuition and Fees
(Select “Graduate Tuition Rates”, then “Graduate”. TE students also pay the Engineering Enhancement Fee; see column in “Graduate Engineering Programs” for rates. TE students do NOT pay the Incremental Tuition rates listed under graduate engineering unless they are co-majoring in another engineering program.) 

Financial Support
Tuition and Fees